Annual report 2022
This year coincided with the conclusion of the implementation of HAGURUKA’s strategic plan for 2017-2022. Through legal aid support, Haguruka managed to serve 3,509 right- holders seeking legal assistance through Haguruka Centers and Mobile. Legal Clinics. Among those assisted this year, 2,533 (72%) were women, while 976 (28%) were men. Additionally, 18,039 right-holders were received and oriented online through our toll-free number. Connected to that, In the framework of enhancing service delivery to right-holders and boosting the capacity of duty bearers to deliver, Haguruka trained a total number of 1541 (63% males and 37% females) from different categories on a wide range of topics throughout 2022.
Annual Report 2023
This report is more than just numbers and statistics; it’s a reflection of our core values that have guided us for over 30 years. In the past year, we have served 10,175 rights holders with legal aid services. It is pleasing to note that 173 rights holders were represented before courts of law, resulting in 52 victories. We trained over 6,353 individuals, including Abunzi and community leaders. We also conducted an assessment of shelter operations, providing insights to inform policy and program development. Our voice grew stronger this year as we formed a powerful coalition of 17 women-led organizations, amplifying our advocacy efforts and ensuring that women and girls are heard.
Annual report 2021
2021 marks the 30th anniversary of Haguruka, and we are proud to reflect on our accomplishments despite the continued impacts of COVID-19. During this year, Haguruka reached thousands of individuals through programs such as legal aid services, community dialogues, awareness campaigns, trainings and our toll-free hotline. Haguruka is also excited to present a new strategic plan for 2022-2027 to ensure our mission remains high-impact and cost-effective in the three pillars of Legal Aid & Psychological Support, Capacity Development & Awareness-Raising, and Research & Advocacy.
Annual report 2021
2021 marks the 30th anniversary of Haguruka, and we are proud to reflect on our accomplishments despite the continued impacts of COVID-19. During this year, Haguruka reached thousands of individuals through programs such as legal aid services, community dialogues, awareness campaigns, trainings and our toll-free hotline. Haguruka is also excited to present a new strategic plan for 2022-2027 to ensure our mission remains high-impact and cost-effective in the three pillars of Legal Aid & Psychological Support, Capacity Development & Awareness-Raising, and Research & Advocacy.
Annual report 2021
2021 marks the 30th anniversary of Haguruka, and we are proud to reflect on our accomplishments despite the continued impacts of COVID-19. During this year, Haguruka reached thousands of individuals through programs such as legal aid services, community dialogues, awareness campaigns, trainings and our toll-free hotline. Haguruka is also excited to present a new strategic plan for 2022-2027 to ensure our mission remains high-impact and cost-effective in the three pillars of Legal Aid & Psychological Support, Capacity Development & Awareness-Raising, and Research & Advocacy.
Annual report 2020
Our goals for the 2020 year focused on increasing our efforts in advocating for the rights of people with disabilities, children, and women. Haguruka achieved several milestones through strategic partnerships, dialogues, awareness campaigns, mentorship programs, and monitoring and evaluation activities. Despite the COVID pandemic’s many hurdles, this report details all of our accomplishments, what we have learned, and what we hope to do moving forward.
Annual report 2020
Our goals for the 2020 year focused on increasing our efforts in advocating for the rights of people with disabilities, children, and women. Haguruka achieved several milestones through strategic partnerships, dialogues, awareness campaigns, mentorship programs, and monitoring and evaluation activities. Despite the COVID pandemic’s many hurdles, this report details all of our accomplishments, what we have learned, and what we hope to do moving forward.
Annual report 2019
In 2019, Haguruka continued to play a major role in promoting gender equality while putting women and children’s rights at the core of our services. During this reporting period, Haguruka is proud to report on our monumentous efforts under each of our five pillars and highlight our nearly 50 key achievements in 2019, detailing our impact, continued efforts, and future plans in working to end violence towards both women and children.
Annual report 2019
In 2019, Haguruka continued to play a major role in promoting gender equality while putting women and children’s rights at the core of our services. During this reporting period, Haguruka is proud to report on our monumentous efforts under each of our five pillars and highlight our nearly 50 key achievements in 2019, detailing our impact, continued efforts, and future plans in working to end violence towards both women and children.
Annual report 2018
2018 was an important transition year for Haguruka as we moved into our second year of our strategic plan (2017-2022) while deepening existing areas of work and initiating others, reshaping systems and processes, and advancing key tools towards achieving our ambitious goals for the next five years. As you will see in this annual report, we refined how we organize our work to ensure strong coherence, alignment, and complementarity across the organization. This reports also highlights activities implemented towards women and children’s access to justice.
Annual report 2018
2018 was an important transition year for Haguruka as we moved into our second year of our strategic plan (2017-2022) while deepening existing areas of work and initiating others, reshaping systems and processes, and advancing key tools towards achieving our ambitious goals for the next five years. As you will see in this annual report, we refined how we organize our work to ensure strong coherence, alignment, and complementarity across the organization. This reports also highlights activities implemented towards women and children’s access to justice.
Annual report 2017
In 2017, Haguruka implemented several projects to reach various target groups. Data shows we reached approximately 4,231 beneficiaries and provided legal aid and support to 911 beneficiaries (Women: 681, Men: 230). Additionally, Haguruka developed and disseminated a simplified legal guide booklet on the GBV law, policies, and strategies for distribution to citizens, local leaders, and service providers. Haguruka’s policies and programs have for many years helped to address legal matters in coordination with other actors and partners, and this report details our progress in 2017.
Annual report 2017
In 2017, Haguruka implemented several projects to reach various target groups. Data shows we reached approximately 4,231 beneficiaries and provided legal aid and support to 911 beneficiaries (Women: 681, Men: 230). Additionally, Haguruka developed and disseminated a simplified legal guide booklet on the GBV law, policies, and strategies for distribution to citizens, local leaders, and service providers. Haguruka’s policies and programs have for many years helped to address legal matters in coordination with other actors and partners, and this report details our progress in 2017.