Liberee and Deogratias have been married for 35 years and have six children together. For most of their marriage, the husband was the only one making decisions over the family’s property including selling it and using the money for his own needs instead of the family’s.
This economic abuse resulted in constant disputes, verbal and psychological abuse that made their children feel unsafe. In addition to that, they were stagnant in terms of economic development as they were divided in vision and priorities.
Fortunately, the couple attended community dialogues conducted by Haguruka on GBV prevention. Here, they learnt about the various types of abuse including economic abuse which had been taking place in their home for so long.
They understood that they both have equal rights to the family property and they decided to change, forgive each other and strive to build peace and harmony in their family.
This positive change of mindset was transformative to the couple in all ways. Being on the same page fuelled them to work hard and together for the development of their family. Since this change happened, they have built two houses, bought a cow and started growing sorghum, beans and Irish potatoes, among others.
The couple also added; “We are now a good example in our community and we used the transformative knowledge we gained to counsel other couples in conflict.”