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Policy Briefs, Shadow Reports

Policy Briefs, Shadow Reports

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Priorities to put forward on women and girls in the NST-2 development process

This position paper presents the results of wide consultations led by the Rwanda Women Alliance, formed of 30 women’s rights organizations and gender activists, with a focus on major priorities of women and girls to address in the framework of Vision 2050 and its medium-term strategies starting with the second generation of NST-2 under development and the implementation of the National Gender Policy (2021) for inclusive development for all, to ensures no one left behind as fundamental principle of Sustainable Development goal.

Report on Rwanda's Compliance with its Human Rights Obligations on Women's Rights

This mid-term report is presented as a follow-up on the implementation of the recommendations accepted by the Government of Rwanda during the third UPR review in 2021 with reference number A/HRC/47/14 with special focus on women’s rights.

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Women's Participation in Political and Decision-making processes in Rwanda

This report is submitted to the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights (the Commission) with the main objective of providing information on the status of implementation of article 9 of the Protocol to the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights on the Rights of Women in Africa (the Maputo Protocol) in relation to the right of women to participate in political and decision-making processes.