We provide immigration in all over country and universities.
Objective: Enhancing the capacity of Trócaire partners and service providers on newly amended laws and provide the most efficient and effective legal aid to vulnerable women.
2018 – 2020
This project provided an opportunity for Trócaire Partners (ARCT Ruhuka, CEJP, CDJP Gikongoro, RCSP, Duterimbere ONG, and Centre Igiti cy’ubugingo) to gain experience in developing and running community spaces to facilitate awareness of their rights and support for women to claim their rights. Completed activities includ study tours of women-only safe places, the development and dissemination of an Information, Education and Communication (IEC) toolkit with key messages on community mobilization tools to be used in women’s only spaces, and capacity building training in Southern Province (Nyanza, Nyamagabe and Nyaruguru Districts) and the Northern Province (Gakenke and Rulindo Districts).