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Social Cohesion and Reconciliation

Social cohesion and reconciliation

The 1994 genocide had a profound impact on Rwandan society, affecting mental health, social cohesion, and livelihoods. To address these challenges, the “Reinforcing Community Capacity for Social Cohesion and Reconciliation through Societal Trauma Healing in Rwanda” program is working to heal the scars of the past. Supported by SIDA and Interpeace, the program provides trauma healing services to survivors, released prisoners, youth, returnees, and local leaders in five districts. By addressing mental wellbeing, social unity, and economic opportunities, the program aims to build resilience and promote lasting peace in Rwandan communities.

Our Goal

Through this project, we aim to contribute to the consolidation of peace and inclusive Rwanda society, enabled to overcome the wounds of the past, peacefully manage conflicts and diversity, and empowered to influence that responsive to citizen priorities. 

Our Approach
  • Set up group-based multi-family healing space for community members in the 5 Districts.
  • Identify youth socio-therapy groups
  • Train local actors in conflict mediation
  • Set up and support community based inter-generational healing spaces
  • Organize multi Bi-Annual stakeholder’s policy dialogue events at local and national level.
  • Produce knowledge based tools including training manuals in line with the programme.

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